Ready To Cash Out? Let Us Be Your Partner Of Trust!
Want to grow your team? Have pressure from investors? Or simply need more fundings to develop your next hit app...Let our team of experts help you seal the deal at a premium in no time!
/*Four steps*/ until a rewarding payday
Swift decisions, rapid results: Our streamlined process typically concludes within 20 days and gets you financial reward.
You share with us accesses to tools and data for our team to run a thorough business audit of your app.
Our team provides you with a swift decision outlining mutual commitments and next steps
We execute a thorough business diligence to ensure the best outcome possible for both parts
We agree on final pricing, contract signing, and processing of the initial payment time for you to relax and focus on next projects!
Contact our specialize Acquisition Manager, Guillaume.
With almost 20 years in sales and business development, and having worked for some powerhouses like Flurry, AOL or META, I'm here to assist you with all your acquisitions needs...

/*Beyond*/ expectations
Quiet is driving exceptional app journeys, propelling creators to millions of users or lucrative exits, fueling digital success stories across industries.